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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-06-24 - 10:13 a.m.

Something is seriously wrong. Everything that I've tried to write (fiction) for the last four months disappears from the disc.

If I try to continue something that I wrote a few months ago, save it, and come back later, when I open the file the file is blank. I've just lost about 8000 words as of today. Total, I've probably lost nearly 30 or 40 pages (single spaced) of my writing.

It is just dawning on me how traumatic this is. I've had some good ideas for novels, gotten good starts on them, and now all of them are aborted. I'm not sure how many of my readers write fiction, and I'm not sure how many of them have ever experienced this sort of thing, but for me it is really, really difficult to try to recreate something I've already written. Once it's on the page it can be edited, changed, revised, but I can't recreate the same idea in nearly the same form from whole cloth. Once it gets to that, I've lost the joy of discovery.

I really can't believe this. I am just too tired to cope with this right now. Gah.

I just want my stories back, please.


The Magus

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