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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

I give myself permission to delete this entry. Signed: Drunky McDrunkpherson

2003-06-13 - 4:28 a.m.

If I've recently signed your guestbook, it's because I'm drunk. If I seemed, you know, sensitive, then those were my actual feelings.

If I seemed, you know, like an offensive loser, then that's because I -am- an insensitive loser who cares a lot about you but was drunk and therefore sucks via over-weening connection-via-typing.

If I didn't sign your guestbook at all, it means that I'm drunk, you suck.

Just kidding: I recently purged my favourites of old diaries; if you're there, you have a special place in my heart. I'm still drunk, though.


But, but, but....

There are people who I read every-now-and-then, who have me listed as a favourite (jing-ru and boutish, I'm looking especially at you).



Exclamation point!!!!

I am too drunk to actually be coherent.


The Magus

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