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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

A Thesis Statement (Not mine, though)

2003-06-02 - 2:18 a.m.

We all, at some point, believe that everything is good.

Then, we believe that most things are good (except for what's hurt us).

Then, we believe (or hope to believe) that some things are good.

Is that birth through 17-ness?


There is joy to be found in adulthood. It just becomes harder to find, the older you get...

The thing is, joy is always more precious the harder it is to find. (It's also more precious the easier it is to find - it's called "The Law of Crappy Humanisticism" ... or something).

I'm guessing that the point is that we are made in the image of some God (or, as I sometimes believe, nothing. That's right: we are maybe nothing. Put that in your theological pipe and smoke it. Just don't smoke it for too's not good for your health.). The best thing that we, as humans, and that life, as it is, do, is create. We make sculptures of nests and paintings on canvas. We make actual babies, and evoke (through spoken word) actual babies (Heh.) That "some God" creates.

If we are made in God's actual image, then that actual image is as creators.

All of us create and that is the holiest thing that any thing can do.


The Magus

PS: If the fact that I was drunk while writing this detracts from your reading from the text, then both of us missed the point and I hope we can meet again.

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