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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

PLacEs i hAve been, SEnior.

2003-06-02 - 4:42 a.m.

If you want really drunk entries, read the last few.

If you want pictures, my bestest friend ever is either safely at home or a smear of blood on a Canadian highway (she promised to call Pookie when she got home and hasn't yet), but she took such exciting pictures as:

The anti-lit demon cat rolling over on his back.

Me doing dishes in grey shorts that are fugly-'cause-they're-comfy.

The anti-lit demon cat wearing sunglasses-against-his-will.

Me pretending to be cute (with arms outstretched) but really trying to catch a giant ball.

The anti-lit demon cat licking itself. In many places. Unappologetically.

So, as you can (or will) see, the cat owns us, owns anything we look at, owns what we think about, and will pursue legal action if we dare dispute its reign.


Le magus

Ps: Until today, i Slurped.

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