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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Off the top of my head

2003-05-07 - 5:36 a.m.

I almost got hit by a car again today. My big crime was choosing to walk across the street when the "walk" sign was on. If I had kindly waited for that red sports car filled with four young, and certainly not impovershed, men to make it's turn and then crossed when the light was red, I would not have had to face the angry honk and their incredulous faces.

In other news, the cat probably does not have rabies. Sure, he's a little more affectionate, but that's because he loves us.

Besides, with SARS and my slowly losing my mind from this isolating job, I fgeel I'm living through enough Stephen King books without adding Cujo to the mix.

Speaking of books, I shall once again lavish praise upon E.M. Forster (<- I finally spelled his name right!). This man is my favourite author, without a doubt. I'm only a couple of chapters into A Passage to India and already he has me smiling, laughing, and with tears in my eyes. How did this man ever get to see the world with such open eyes? Reading, I feel as if I'm reading some plain Truth, nothing grand or overbearing, instead it's just like a gentle advisor is reminding me that flowers are pretty, the sky is blue, that sad things happen but that love exists, and that it's all okay. If ever I can write with even close to the skill that Forster weilds, I'll consider myself lucky.

Speaking of writing, my latest (will it be finished?) opus is on its way. 600 words in and I'm feeling better about it than I did about the last one.

I've been going to the gym for 9 months. I'm starting to look good in ordinary clothes. I'm hoping that I can look -better- by the time the really warm weather hits. I'm thinking of ditching the booze, if only to stop adding those extra calories. My motivation? "Think of all the extra melted cheese you'll be able to eat."

In case you haven't guessed, part of the reason for this entry is to remind myself that there are good things happening in my life, too, even if all of that last entry stuff is happening.


The Magus

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