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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Books! And worry. And Books!

2003-05-05 - 5:26 a.m.

I forgot my coffee at home.

At any rate, I'm in a fairly okay mood. Except for the coffee.

Pookie and I got into a bit of an argument over the weekend - it happens - and as a result I went out and bought a bunch of books in a fit of anger. We made up, but I still have the books. My angry books are:

The Exorcist - I finished this over the weekend.

Passage to India - EM Forrster! Yay!

Some Fantasy Book - Third in a series, I can't remember the name, though. It's pretty much the only fantasy series I'm reading now.

I started reading all three of them at once, even though I'm not finished re-reading the Narnia series, nor have I finished reading Crime and Punishment, the Poisonwood Bible, or The Shipping News.

You would think I'd be daunted, but I'm not. I love having multiple books on the go. Seven is a bit of an extreme for me, but I'm enjoying it: no matter what sort of mood I'm in, I have something to read. Chances are, a book will find its way into every room of the house, as well as into my schoolbag. If all goes according to plan, I will be able to read no matter what I'm doing or feeling.

I'm feeling a little bit ravenous when it comes to's been too long since I've actually bought a book, and now that I have so many on the go, it's like I'm an addict getting his fix. I love it. I want to be able to lie in bed and read all the time.

I'm pretty sure that Pookie doesn't completely understand this...during the weekend I would be lying in bed or on the couch, book in front of me, and he would start top get antsy, bored. He wanted to useless things like go out for walks and experience the outdoors and stuff. Yeesh - some people.

Anyway, we are currently wondering if the Anti-Lit Demon Cat has rabies or distemper. We really have no reason to believe this, other than that he was acting a little weird today. I'm not sure if it's healthy to transfer our hypochondriaic tendancies onto our cat, but I suppose it's better than assuming -we- have rabies.

Mainly, the weird symptoms of the cat are limited to the fact that he's been a little more affectionate than usual, seemed listless, and didn't eat his food. At one point, he followed me into the bathroom and looked at me like he wanted something but he didn't know what he wanted.

Wow...I've mildly freaked myself out by typing this stuff. A couple of days ago, I suddenly had a wave of certainty that the subway car I was on was about to crash and that I would die. I had a dream where my dad yelled at me because I visitted and he didn't want to get SARS. I guess it's just a season of angst and dread again.

Luckily I have books to read.


The Magus

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