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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Abject Terror

2003-03-09 - 9:29 p.m.

I just stole someone's car keys.

Remember several entries ago when I said I feel guilty about silly things like choosing when to get off a bus?

Well, I am currently feeling abject terror.

She was drunk. Pookie was drunk. She wanted to drive to Mississauga which, according to my very unreliable knowledge of Ontario geography, is a million miles away from Toronto.

I shouldn't feel guilty. I shouldn't feel terror. I did a good thing.

She couldn't keep her eyes open.

Both of them expected me to drive, including Pookie who knows that I have never had a drivers' license ever. That the most driving I've done was the Wal-Mart Parking Lot on Christmas day when my mom decided that I should practice driving. That was, like, 7 years ago.

So, I got the woman (who was Pookie's best friend from a long time ago) to give me the keys of her company car (she drives a company car. She paid for drinks on a company credit card), and when I was sitting in the driver's seat, remembering that I didn't know if right pedal or left pedal meant "go" I let her climb in, and then got out, keys in hand, told Pookie that I was stealing the keys and they should go dancing and then I took the subway home.

Pookie kissed me before I left.

My god, I feel like I've done something horrible.

Is this feeling brave? 'Cause it sucks.

But no one died because of her tonight, right?


The Magus

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