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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Grumpy and complain-y

2003-02-23 - 6:42 p.m.

I am really grumpy for no reason.

Granted, I am finished with work for a few days, and so am trying to get acclimated to the sleeping-at-night thing. And Pookie decided that it would be fun for both of us if he, thirty seconds after I woke up, decided to put his feet which are interchangeable with blocks of ice, up against my flesh without warning.

I just want to bitch and complain about everything.

But I won't, even though I will bet you $20 that Eli hasn't been out, except for a run to the liquor store with Pookie while I was asleep yesterday, all weekend.

Also, Pookie informs me that he's given his brother our "secret phone ring." This is where, because I never answer the phone when I'm feeling particularly hermet-y, Pookie will let it ring once, then hang up and call back immediately.

The reason, of course, why this works is because I am fairly certain that it is Pookie calling. Now, though, it could be his brother. It is no longer a comfort zone for me.

Bitch bitch bitch.

And now I have to stay up and grumpy for three hours so that my body can get used to night sleeping for three days. Gleh.


The Magus

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