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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-02-09 - 1:41 a.m.

I walked to work feeling absolutely great today. I felt good about myself, my physicality, my emotional state, everything. It helps that we are almost done with the darkest third of the year, and that I have now been going to the gym for six months, and that I have 20 000 words written on the best-dang gaypulp mystery action adventure novel ever to be written by someone who has never read a mystery or pulp-y novel in his life, or that, oh yeah, today is my last day at work before I take a 10-day (semi-paid) vacation.

Where am I going, you ask?

Absolutely nowhere! I am going to stay home for a week. If I go outside, it will be because I want to, not because I have to be somewhere. I will have two-hundred-and-forty hours of time wherein I will have no obligations, no drunk people calling me in the middle of the night, no trial membership spiels, or credit card membership spiels. It will be ten whole days where I will not have to use my customer service voice for a single minute.

Things I might decide to do (but don't have to, because I'm a free man!):

Tidy the house.

Write. (2000 words a day. Maybe. Ish.)

Edit. (To make sure the 2000 words a day are actually understandable. Maybe.)

Go to the gym. (Or not: I may take this week off, too!)

Celebrate my and Pookie's 4th anniversary (which was technically on the 3rd, unheralded, but we're going out Friday instead. Um, so, all those people who are alone on Valentines Day should not look to me for support. I'll be with my lover.)

Miscellanious Social Gathering(s)(It's a secret, maybe.)

Eye appointment (I might be getting contact lenses, since everyone I know who has 'em tells me that they're great, in between losing their glasses, forgetting to buy lens sollution and experiencing burning pain, and putting the lenses in wrong to experience even more agonising pain. Honestly? Contact Lens owners are the bitchiest people I've ever met. "My eyes are too dry! I can't see! Where are my glasses? Ow! Ow-ow-ow-ow-OW!")

Dentist appointment (Pookie thinks that, since my jaw still hurts, I should see a dentist, given that it's a recurring problem, but I think he's over-reacting. I mean, how often are we supposed to see the dentist anyway? Once a decade or so? It's only been 7 or 8 years for me!)

Calling the health-plan people to find out what I need to send 'em to get Pookie covered.


Playing video games.

Generally lording over everyone the nature of my work-free status.

I am so excited, I could explode any minute now.


The Ma-KaPOW!

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