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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-02-08 - 5:34 a.m.

So, I work steadily, pretty much non-stop for three hours, thinking that if I get the bulk of the work done, I can take a late lunch, start writing then and let the writing bleed over into my freed up (because of the 3 hours of non-stop credit card orders and ad approvals) last hour or so of work, right?

No. Because a line seems to be down, which means I can't take my lunch for another 15 minutes at least, because I have to check it. Then I have to page someone. Then I have to wait until they call me back, and then we'll see.

Bitch and moan, moan and bitch. So much for my plan to be a writer -and- a keener at work. Next time, I'll bust my ass for me.


The Magus

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