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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-02-01 - 12:37 a.m.

What a refreshing day.

Just a lovely day. I came home from work and the gym, Eli left to go find a job, and Pookie was at school, and so I spent the morning slowly nursing a beer or two (or maybe it came to around 10?) all by my lonesome: private time!

I slept well, awoke feeling refreshed, only to be greeted by a smiling (and mildly sloshed) Pookie, and an Eli who has now, this week, received two job offers, one of which he may take (he has the weekend to think about it).

I walked to work in the mildest weather, the last hour of January being filled with melting snow and a refreshing walk to work. I was three minutes late, because this is weather made for -strolling-, not for walking purposefully.

I feel cleansed, somehow. This is a break from the winter, from the dullness, the self-doubt and undeserved angst.

I'm ready for spring, but if it takes its time to get here, I'm okay with that right now.

Today was a good day.


The Magus

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