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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Dear Mr. Bush,

2003-01-31 - 4:19 a.m.

I know that you, and the rest of the world, Mr. Bush, are curious as to whether or not the science behind the nuclear weapon is still good. Chances are that you, like me, have only seen a mushroom cloud on television, and most of those are on tapes that are years, sometimes decades, old.

However, I'm not sure if using a nuclear bomb on Iraq is a good option. I'm sure that that isn't at the top of your list for actions to take, but the fact that you may be considering this is worrisome.

For one thing, it may cloud the issues: we're going to war because we're afraid that Iraq may use nuclear weapons, correct? And we're trying to woo the world into war with Iraq, in part, by telling them that if Iraq will bomb North America, Iraq will also bomb other places too. I think the crux of that argument is that no one should have to see a mushroom cloud up close ever again, right? Do you see where I'm going here?

There are many other reasons against using nuclear weapons against Iraq (or, really, against anyone else). See how many you can come up with!


The Magus

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