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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

They do -what-, again?

2003-01-29 - 3:29 p.m.

So, because I am a knob, I am cleaning the bedroom instead of sleeping before work. It's okay, though, because I'll still get 5 (or 4, or 3) hours before then.

Anyway, remember the kick-ass pants? Well, I have a new pair of 'em, and they are still kick-ass. They are green army pants (the army thrift store guy tells me they are American was that or Chinese, and I wasn't sure a big white guy could get away with wearing Chinese-style pants. Also, since I'm not technically a communist, I wasn't sure if I wanted to go down that path. Once you start letting your clothes proclaim divergent global and political philosophies, you're walking down a treacherous path. Ahem.), and they are nice.

While I was cleaning the bedroom, I found someone's old army-styl;e sweater, the kind that is olive green and has a little pocket on the shoulder. I'm not looking at it now, but I think it also has patches on the shoulders or elbows or something. Anyway, it was a medium, which is a size I fit into once upon a time, and with shirts you can never really tell whether the size fits or not. I wasn't worried that I didn't know who the shirt belonged to, because Pookie's brother is in the armed forces, and since I -sleep- with Pookie, surely I can wear a long-lost shirt that has been washed and once belonged to his brother.

I tried it on, and aside from it being a little snug (perhaps "medium" is a landscape from my past now, never to be seen again) it looked kick-ass. It totally accentuated the parts of me that I like, and I was able to successfully ignore the parts I don't. Likely, in a few more moths of going to the gym, it will fit perfectly.

So the scary part is, I'm looking at myself in the mirror and I'm thinking that maybe I should sign up for the navy or something. Because if I did, I could wear clothes like that -all- -the- -time-!

Because, you know, that's what navy people do: they model their kick-ass uniforms for each other. That is the entire point of armed forces. That and looking sexy in dirty boot-camp photos.


The Magus

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