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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-01-23 - 12:46 a.m.

Pookie told me to write something good about myself. It seems I've been neglecting the self-love lately...and a co-worker tells me that I do tend towards self-flagellation in this medium.

I am a good writer. I am also a good person who cares, genuinely and deeply, for the welfare of others. I have nice eyes and nice hair, and I like my beard. I've been really good at going to the gym and taking care of myself, and last year I wrote a novel, and this year I may write more than one. I'm nice to animals, and think dogs are great. I've never hit the anti-lit demon cat, and cannot see myself ever doing so. I'm good in bed, I'm good at customer service, and I think I give people the benefit of the doubt more often than I need to...which is a good thing. I do things because I believe they're right, and I take risks for what I believe in. I tan easily, but I also look nice with pasty-pale white skin. I can stay up late. I quit smoking cold-turkey and I make a mean vegetarian chili. I also make decent home-made french fries, and I do the dishes a reasonable amount. I have Potential.

I'm sure there's more.


The Magus

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