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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Life between the commercials.

2003-01-18 - 1:53 a.m.

Eli, the houseguest looking for a job, arrived today at noon. I managed the Good Host thing for a couple hours and then fell blissfully asleep. Pooky had to go to a school-related event, and so Eli, the houseguest looking for a job, was by himself, effectively the whole evening. Poor guy.

I'm feeling mildly optimistic about having Eli, the houseguest looking for a job, living with us. It will be fun. It will be like a good-natured sitcom, with a laughtrack that was created before Jerry Springer and Married, With Children made scandalous "Oos," and cat calls standard in the soundtrack biz. We'll have season-ending flashback episodes where we huddle in front of a fireplace and remember how quirky and loveable we each our in our own unique ways. By season 3, one of us will be pregnant and we'll adopt a cuddly dog to boost ratings.

Of course, I'm at work tonight. Bah.


The Magus

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