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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

The State of The Magus' Nation

2003-01-13 - 11:36 a.m.

And here is how the week is going:

Saturday Morning: Phone call informing Pookie of his mother's stroke.

Monday Morning (early): A phone call to the Student Loan people lets us know that they misplaced a crucial form and so we are not to expect the second installment of Pookie's student loan.

Monday Morning (late): A quick check on the college website shows that the intro course for the editting certificate is filled, so I will have to wait until April (which is fine, because we have no money anyway).

Last week, there was the not-getting-a-promotion, the realising that the no-name products at the grocery store have all gone up in price, and something else that I can't remember, so it must have been really bad.

Next week is growing-pains as our household increases in membership by one, and I try to negotiate changing from part- to full-time at work (or experience disappointment as that is rejected).

Things to look forward to: Class in April (sigh). An old friend coming up. The student loan eventually arriving. More money (I can dream). A week off of work (Yay!).

Things aren't the greatest, but I -do- feel some sort of kernel of hope, something that I am determined to nurture and foster as if my life depends on it.


The Magus

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