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Tenacious D Rocks.

Media fear

2002-12-28 - 6:49 a.m.

Wow. Lots of entries tonight. What's up with that?

I just wanted to say that the scariest thing to me about the world right now is the way the media is working.

What's big in the news right now where you live? Locally, nationally, internationally?

I guess that some news agencies have been told that if a story could be editted so as to minimize reports of civilian casualties in war, or governmental responsibility, they should do it.

Even with the internet, we all rely on what the news media says for a large part of our awareness beyond our day-to-day experience. If the media is lying to us, how can we develop an accurate or useful world view?

If you want to end freedom or democracy, one of the best things you can do is end the free press, especially if you can do it without anyone noticing. I'm not necessarily a proponant of democracy, I'm just sayin'...

So, that's what I'm most afraid of today. Tomorrow it might be something completely different.


The Magus

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