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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

A Norwalk in the park.

2002-12-19 - 6:31 a.m.

So, I have shown no Norwalk symptoms, though before I left for work, Pookie was burning up. I really didn't want to leave him there, and pretty much half my attention has been directed solely to worrying about him. I feel guilty for trying to sleep this evening, forcing him to do the "awake" things like feed the cat.

I didn't even get very much sleep.

Basically, Pookie woke me up early this morning by almost choking to death on his own vomit.

So, when I went to bed in the evening so that I could be all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for work, I was only dozing, afraid that at any minute -I- would start choking on my own vomit.

Because of the nature of my work (the midnight-shift bit, not the almost-sex bit) the later it gets, the harder it is for someone to replace me if I can't come in. So, if I find that I'm feeling like shit around 8am, I can call in and they'll likely find someone. If I call in at say, 11:30pm there's no hope in hell that they'll find someone.

So, while I'm waiting to see if I am miraculously immune to this bug (it would have to be a miracle: Pookie and I shared a joint at a friend's house, sleep together, prepare food for each other, kiss, touch, stroke, fondle...erm...nevermind...) I am on a cycle of anxiety. Will I fall ill early enough, or will I find myself alone in the office at 4:30am stuck to the toilet?

In addition, I'm all hyper-aware. Every little burp or grumbling of my stomache or whatever is followed by a thorough mental checkup: "What was that? Am I going to need to throw up now? Okay, breathing is fine. I don't -think- I'm feverish...a little flushed, maybe. Okay, so I think I'm just hungry. Is that hungry? Or is that an insidious virus eating my inards? I have to go to the that the diarrhia?"

I'm not usually this hypochondriacal, and I know I shouldn't worry. I'll be fine up until Christmas Eve, and then I'll be sick.

Replace "Visions of" with "Fever-induced hallucinations of" and then bring on the Sugarplums!


The Magus

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