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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-10-31 - 5:33 a.m.

So, a little known fact is that I am a fan of survivor. I even lurk around the survivor sucks board. Today I laughed out loud.

The reason?

Well, online spoilers are an ecclectic bunch. Some are quite smart, but most are really struggling with simple things like words, or thinking. A lot like to post "spoilers" to the extent of "Did you see that bug in the 2nd scene? Well, I thought the bug looked a lot like Bob, so he must be in the final 2!" or "Last year the winners weren't cancers or saggitarians, so I think this year they will be!"

And so, in response to one such spoiler, someone just posted:

"You know what a pattern of one is called? Its called a number. "

I laughed out loud. I must be tired.

Also, this is the 400th entry, which means I have to muck about in the cellar of html and archive another bunch o' entries. I'll do that later.


The Magus

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