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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Let's try that again...

2002-10-20 - 10:16 a.m.

Let me try this again, while much more sober-er...

So, yeah, I found out from someone who should know that the 4 simultaneous firings, way back in April or whatever, were strictly (unofficially, of course) because of negative diaryland comments...

This so completely bugs me that, in my inebriated state last night, I sobbed at Pookie for about 20 minutes about my frustration and the powerlessness I have...

Oo! Three paragraphs that have ended in elipsises...I must be hung over...

A summary of last night: 2 people showed up, and then two people ditched work and showed up, then left. And then we went to the happiest and saddest place of all time: a karaoke bar. Of the sort with private rooms.

So, 4 of us crooned to each other, 3 of us have actual voices, the fourth of us does not and doesn't know any songs at all because he's a soulless bastard. Guess who that is. Didn't stop the goober.

Okay, so I'm going back to bed, where I will sleep off my hangover, and then remind Pookie that all the booze that we have left over must go down the sink.


The Magus

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