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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Deleted Entry

2002-10-13 - 2:42 p.m.

I deleted the last entry, something I've never done before, because Pookie doesn't want to feel like a spectator sport, which is his right. He feels strongly enough about it to give me an ultimatum, and so with so many reasons bouncing about for us to break up, I figured I really didn't want it to be over a diary entry.

For those who missed the shocking description of last night's hair raising events, stay tuned. I'll be posting a more vague, more Pookie-friendly entry, along with the fall-out and consequences, along with Pookie's take on how it was my fault.

It should be noted that I'm just a tad angry with him and so may be a little biased in my descriptions of both him and recent events.


The Magus

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