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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-10-12 - 8:55 a.m.

I've been up all night needlessly, and I've had a few drinks. Time to roll out the insecurities.

I have no frickin' clue what sort of an impression I give. I have no close friends, or, really, no friends at all, after living and working in the same place for a year and a half. Am I aloof? Complicated? Unapproachable?

Or am I dull. Stupid. Weighty.

Like, really. I talk, I invite people places, I go to some things that I'm invited to...

The only time I get a phone message is if I haven't called my parents or if they need someone to work.

Am I coming off desperate?

What the frickin' fuck is wrong with this situation?


I humbly apologize for the above. It's getting close to winter. I get to be depressed again. I plan on rationing it out.


The Magus

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