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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-10-01 - 2:49 a.m.


The past week I have explored two quite different but equally intriguing (to me. I am weird.) groups of diaryland sites. The first was a set of superhero sites, all done in the voices of Harley Quinn, Robin, Batman, et al. as if they were real people. The second was a group of diaries written by the different personalities of someone with multiple personality disorder. The personalities were (obviously) aware of each other, to varying degrees, and had even created a society amongst themselves.

For some reason I can't spell or focus or anything. So I'm ending right now. I have promised myself some serious writing about issues and stuff, because, obviously, that's why you all come to read me , right? For the concise political and social insight from a radical, and yet compelling, left wing activist?

I'm almost certain you don't come for the poinsetta updates.


The Magus

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