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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Just Another Day at the Office

2002-09-22 - 5:11 a.m.

You know what's more frustrating than having a cold, no voice, a fever and the chills as well as a wracking cough and having to tell a guy the same thing 500 times because he clearly isn't listening and repeats what he thinks you said, and when you correct him he says "Oh, yeah, right." and then repeats the exact same mistake? You know what's more frustrating than that?

Having two guys with two completely different issues doing the -exact- -same- -thing-!

This is worse than the "blind" (and drunk) guy from Bumfuck Village, Canada, who called last night 5 times, the last three times he pretend to be his equally blind, equally drunk brother who lives with him. And boy was that a holler-and-a-half of fun!


The Magus

(PS, I can use phrases like "Bumfuck" without being homophobic, because I am gay and have experienced it. It is not necessarily an insult if it's done right. I am also delerious. I'm not even goinbg to try to spell that right. I'm ending this PS

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