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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Karamazov Brothers

2002-09-07 - 4:46 a.m.

The confrontation between Ivan and the Devil is one of the best delusions I have ever read. It reads like a fever dream, it connects in those strange ways that make sense from one moment to the next, but not in any valuable way. I plan to go back to that chapter as soon as I'm finished this book that is taking me forever to read.

BUT! At less than 80 pages to go, it will be the first Russian novel I have ever managed to finish. And it was worth the haul.

It is Dmitri's trial. Things were bleak anyway, but for a moment it seemed that Alyosha would save his brother. Since the narrator has said, later that chapter, "Were blankity-blank to not have happened, Dmitri would be free!" I feel fairly confident in saying that Alyosha has only come close to saving the day.

I probably mentioned this, but I am in love with the idea that in Russian courts from the time of Dostoevsky family members of the accused could not be sworn in. They could certainly tesitify, but it could not be considered as being under oath.

I'm not sure why this idea has grabbed me so...but it just seems so...symetrical. Noble, perhaps, though I'm sure there must be ways to abuse it. I like the idea of giving brothers, mothers, children a way out from lying under oath or from condemning their accused loved one through their testimony. Your honour and your love for your family need not be tested for the sake of justice, save for those tests you choose to take on for yourself.

Elegent, no?


The Magus

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