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Tenacious D Rocks.

People Week Continues

2002-09-01 - 8:53 a.m.

So, people week part two.

It's a short one.

In a period of 24 hours, 3 different people asked me for directions, and I was able to give directions to all three of them. It completely improved my day, until I was almost run over twice.

Part of the fun of living in a city is seeing how many times you can almost be runover before you actually get hit.


The Magus

(PS, I am not a terrorist, I just was consumed with curiosity from A Frog's Life's website entry. I did not mean to look at a US government website that has a long, long, long warning window that pops up, and despite my socialist and left-wing leanings, I have no desire to bomb anyone. Ever.)

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