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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

In the news today, nothing happened

2002-08-30 - 4:11 a.m.

There was a journalism conference in Bonne (sp? Somewhere in Europe. I could do a Google search, but meh.)

It was decided that Terrorism is wrong and should be outlawed.

It was also decided that perhaps journalism has been wrong to highlight terrorist activities, because a news article about a bombing is giving the terrorists free publicity.

Journalists should, decided the conferencers (conferencees? conferadores?), throw their support behind the world governments in their fight against terrorism.

I'll let that sink in for a couple of seconds.

Sunk in?

Okay. Is not journalism's goal, it's one and only goal, to report the truth in as unbiased a way as possible? Isn't the proper word for reporting that reinforces the status quo "propaganda?" If journalism is to be a tool to stop terrorism (and it certainly -is-) is the best way to deny or minimize the effects that terrorism have?

Personally, I would prefer to have more and more accurate information. I want the news to be as unbiased and thorough as possible. If I have the time, I want to be given some insight into the motivations of terrorists, the cultures that create them (including US culture, thanks very much), the geoploitical background in which terrorist attacks take place. I want to know who the victims were (including those killed in 'accidental bombings,' even if they aren't Canadian, thanks very much), how many there were, and how they came to be victims. I want to know what all the world leaders are saying, and not just soundbytes. I want analysis, which of course can't be unbiased, but I want it from as many viewpoints as possible: liberal, conservative, Eastern and Western, regardless of my own government's views.

That does not give terrorists free publicity, it gives us all a chance to look at our world and to give us context in which to create a better one.

And for the record: the most vehement terrorists come from the countries with the least free media.


The Magus

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