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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Rabbit humour

2002-08-25 - 1:49 a.m.

I'm a complete airhead tonight. I have no ability to even articulate. Simple questions from customers about trial memberships stump me. I stutter over our prices. I want them all to leave me alone.

It's payback from dressing down that guy for asking for my phone number the other day. "Do you think this is appropriate with other customer service personnel?" I asked him. "Do you really expect me to give out my home phone number to some complete and utter stranger too cheap to even buy a membership from the place that signs my paycheque?"

Karma sucks.

So, in lieu of an actual entry, I now present to you two rabbit jokes. One of them I made up while walking to work, the other I got from a show called "The Nature Nut." See if you can tell which is which!

What did the hungry bunny suggest to his hungry congregation of bunnies?

Lettuce Pray.

What do you call a rabbit with 3 ears?

You still call it a rabbit, you just don't have to shout as loud.

Hope you're satisfied.


The Magus

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