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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

There are some animals in this entry.

2002-08-23 - 6:45 a.m.

I'm tired.

I don't want to be tired. I don't know why I'm tired. I just am.

I am glad that blind-merv is not dead. For my entire trip, after leaving a message, her phone was busy. I had imagined that her birds or rodents had eaten her. For a while it was funny, but then when I realised that it could have been a -cat- that ate her, I got worried.

I am also cat sitting. I am cat sitting two wonderful, friendly, amorous cats who don't seem to have a problem with people reading. I wish there was some way to show Anti-lit Demon Cat this, but there isn't.

Speaking of the demon cat, Pookie and I are really angry at him. The other day we saw him across the street.

Our cat is not allowed to cross the street. It was an unwritten rule, just like "Don't get run-over," and "Please God don't let me find your bloody, lifeless corpse on the sidewalk across the street after I've worked 8 hours at a job where strangers hit on me."

Also, I was going to update that my brother has become a bird-and-rodent expert, on account of his working at a pet store. I was quite proud of him, since he suddenly knows what a chinchilla is, and how to feed and care for pirannhas. I am writing this in past tense because I have now heard that he's quit his job. This was his longest-running job, at about 8 months, and he has this really vexing habit of quitting his job -first- and -then- preparing his resume.

My mom has begun to train to become a minister, and I'm glad that she is. She's had a rough few years, but I also think that this path for her is the right one. It is good for her, and I think it will allow her to bring her strengths together. I hope she does well during the one-year interview process.

My sister has the build of a football player and has the beginnings of breasts. There is no way to explain just how much I love her. I hope she turns into a cool teenager.

My stepmom is a bitch. What a surprise.

And Ivan is holding himself responsible for his father's murder, while Dmitri is waiting for his trial where unsurmountable evidence is sure to have him convicted for the crime. Alyosha is amazingly staying calm through all this, and seems to have some sort of plan, though of course this is only implicit. I hope it's better than Ivan's plan to bust Dmitri out of jail and send him to America.

Oh, and finally I have a group to roleplay with. I haven't met any of them, and they're probably all geeks or something, but that's okay.

I think that's all that's happening with me right now. You can go about your business.


The Magus

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