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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Hoorah for 'false' hatred!

2002-08-20 - 1:48 a.m.


I am a soulless demon.

You can tell this by my soulessness.

And, hey! I have no friends!

Oh...except for the virtual.

Which is a fact that Pookie brought to my attention today.

"It's okay, Magus," he says, "your unhealthy fixation upon television chat forums! I just worry about the fact that you have no friends. No -real- friends, I mean."

Oh, as opposed to Jesuit fuck-ups?

Um...I said as much.

He squirmed.

I would like to meet the friends he has. I would like to break the barrier of 'friendship' in a non-artificial way. I would like to live outside of the computer.

It may be that I have no social skills whatsoever. I prefer to believe in the Happy Medium. The fact that I continue to appear to have no social skills whatsoever is merely a "cute" factor in my life.

Right now, I really and honestly hate everyone. It's an interesting sensation. I really hate you. I probably don't even know you. I'm sorry? (But not really....'hate' is a very strong feeling that I probably don't really feel).

I'm going to bed now.


The Magus

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