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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

At Work Dot Bored

2002-07-27 - 12:05 a.m.

My antipathy towards people is fairly high tonight, I guess. I walked to work, wading through the herds of roaming catholics (where's Steve Irwin when you need him?), listening as the friday night drivers got angry anytime someone looked at them funny. People stood in each other's way and posed, and I'm finding the queers of church street a little more maloderous than usual.

This does not mean I don't like -you- oh faithful reader. Or, well, it doesn't necessarily mean I don't like you. You might be okay, but then you might really bug me. In person.

Man, already I've started being rude to complete strangers. Folks, a warning: it's gonna be a loooooong night, maybe with lots and lots of pointless entries as I continue my search into the darkest nether regions of my inner soul, in the hopes of finding a cure for this terrible affliction of melodrama.

In other news, our department, the only department to not get a raise in 5 years (or is it 6 now?), and yet also the department that brings in the most profit, has reported a huge jump in sales and revenues for the past couple months. We got some emails that said congrats, and nary a whisper, a breath, an inkling of a raise.

As we get told, repeatedly, what we make here is comparable to others in our "field." I can assume that they are waiting until we are -below- comparable before they consider a raise.

Though, basically, we have one of the best customer service teams you'll find anywhere, and not just in terms of dealing with customers. We work well together, and I think we like each other...anyone here can definitely "be somebody," whatever that means.

So there. Nyaah.


The Magus

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