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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Erectiley Fun For 638 Days And Counting!

2002-07-27 - 7:44 p.m.

So, because I think pharmaceutical companies are the devil, I actually went to the website ""

Erectile Disfunction is now called "ED" and the website is sponsored by Pfizer, a company that has found a profitable niche.

The Pill will no doubt work in almost all cases of ED, or so says the website, before giving examples of several invasive treatments (ie, surgery). *cough* "Oral Therapy

This is a pill that could work regardless of the underlying cause of ED" It so totally -could- work! And pigs so totally -could- fly! And Hell so totally -might- freeze over, despite the underlying cause of, well, Hell freezing over.

For those who are concerned, psychological treatments are listed last. Past Vacuum therapy, Transurethral therapy, Penile Injection Therapy, and, of course Penile Implants.

For the record, -good- doctors will explore the least invasive method -first-. Unless they're getting a paid vacation from a drug company.


Um, onto the next page...

Wow! If you are in a wheelchair, you too can experience sexual fulfilment. Plus a bunch of other people...none of whom say "After the six-to-eight weeks of recuperation..." something that would be required from transurethral -anything-, -any- implants, or surgery of any kind. Hm. None of their vocal sample explored surgery.

Next page.

Did you know that 1-800-583-0303 put you in touch with a registered nurse?

I would dare someone suffering a heart attack to try this number...'cept I betcha 911 is a little bit better. Even if you were suffering from ED before calling.

Golly, I hope Pfizer has a solution.

(Note: I am 100% certain that "ED" can be a serious issue, though I'm fairly confident that talking to a drug company, that stands to gain a profit through regular "treatment" of an issue, as opposed to "curing" or dealing with the problem, is not the -best- solution. I recommend talking with your doctor and then adding, "But if it's from Pfizer, can you suggest some alternatives? Remembering your hippocratic oath, of course." Best of all would be some actual research. Audit a university course that teaches critical thinking. And -then- look at the studies, and who funded them. After all, it is your dick and your pocketbook.)


The Magus

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