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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Literary devices, including pseudonyms.

2002-07-22 - 12:12 a.m.

Thundershowers and pouring rain and soggy shirt, socks, and shoes, and now I am at work.

The weather seems to imply some sort of pathetic fallacy (thank you hrhgreggie!), as if it should be reflecting some sort of inner turmoil or conflict, a restlessness.

But it doesn't...I'm feeling pretty calm and collected...which kinda would contrast the weather, which is another literary device. Let my life as a novel commence!

So the houseguest is still around, and I have no pseudonym for him. I don't think I have a good track record with pseudonyms. So far there's me, Pookie, and the dead babies. The dead babies aren't a problem, because they aren't likely to be recurring characters. That's probably a good thing.

Anyway, the 'guest will likely need a pseudonym that doesn't grate on anyone's nerves, because he -might- become a recurring character, and in that case I'll be typing his name a lot.

I'll get back to you on that.

I'm going to try, maybe, to write something of some depth soon, so be prepared for length and dullness. It'll be fun! But for now, I must work!

Heed the crack of the whip, The Magus! Heed it and be afeared!


The Magus

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