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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

When I am King...

2002-07-17 - 5:45 a.m.

Alan Greenspan and George W. Bush are condemning the bad record of Corporate America.

I wonder if they've given any thought to where all the massive amounts of wealth that they enjoy have come from.

No, I don't really wonder that, because I'm sure they haven't. This is a case of pretending to be on the side of the right while hoping that no one finds any skeletons in your (walk-in) closet.

There's -still- poverty, ecological degradation, inequality and injustice...and these things can even be found in North America.

Meanwhile Canada's dollar continues leading our march toward becoming the world's premiere economic superpower.

When Canada rules the world, we will legalize pot, gay marriage, and poverty. If you are poor, we will give you money, because you have to spend it -somewhere-, which means our economy will thrive. If you are sick, we will foot the bill, from colds to cancer you won't shell out a single penny for health care...which means, again, all the money you have will go elsewhere. Probably to pay for the goods and services provided by trained and extrememl;y well-educated people (on account of our free universities and colleges) who will be making enough to feed themselves, pay for shelter and transportation, clothes, and even have money left over!

There's more, but I'm sure you can figure out where this is going.


The Magus

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