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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Coming soon to a Diaryland near you.

2002-07-08 - 1:31 a.m.

I guess I could use this diary as an opportunity to explore my creative writing, give it a theme, or put some real thought into it, instead of this random-stream-of-consciousness-type-the-first-thing-that-comes-into-my-head shite that I do now...

But I like the impulsiveness with this diary-thing, and the fact that I can use it as a repository for a lot of the junk that's bouncing around in my head all the time. I write better than I speak, and it's nice to have some sort of a sounding board, without having to really worry about quality control or consistency or plot or anything.

Unfortunately, that means I'm possibly writing absolutely dull drivel, and that's not fun for anyone.

Though I had an idea the other day of writing a piece of serial fiction through diaryland, using it's format to do one of those first-person journal-entry fictions. It could be interesting, as it would mesh with one of my novel ideas that I'm not quite able to get out of my head, but that I just can't seem to get a grip on...

So I might do that, in addition to writing this tripe.

Stay tuned....


The Magus

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