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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Sex and garbage (does that make it dirty sex?)

2002-07-04 - 1:39 a.m.

This weather must break.

But, and listen up, because it's important, this weather is great for hot, sweaty sex.

Yeah, it seems like a big pain to even bother moving, but once you get started...sweat is a great sex aid.

And that's enough about me getting laid.

Now on to talk about stench.

The city's garbage strike is supposed to last a little longer, and the city has started to smell. Smell bad.

I'm quite concerned, because while we rent a basement in a fairly affluent neighbourhood, there are areas of the city that can not handle a prolongued garbage strike. Places where the streets are narrow, where the apartments don't have airconditioning, where people can't afford to have the garbage taken away, and don't have the space to hide it.

As usual, I'm siding with the union, and hoping the government caves. As a spokesperson said, these workers aren't greedy. They do a job, and what they want is some assurance that five years down the road they won't be unemployed.


The Magus

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