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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Time to get a new watch!

2002-07-04 - 5:06 a.m.

Oh yeah, you just -know- I'm not loving the guy who just told me to shut up over the phone. blood is boilling.

I'm actually quite pissed off at him, because he called here only to yell at me, and unfortunately for him I have given up my role as human punching bag. Especially at 5am (4:59 am, actually, but for -him- it was 5:07am, and since -our- clocks are wrong, that gives him the right to shout. Damn Canadian time zones.)

Okay, I'm better now.

He's probably going to have a worse day than I will, especially when he finds out his clock is 8 minutes fast.


The Magus

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