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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Dreaming of Isolation.

2002-07-04 - 2:01 a.m.

And I'm just realising that tomorrow is my first day "off" in almost two weeks. By "off" I mean that I will not have to see or deal with anyone. And Friday he's working overnight at the hospital, so for friday and some of saturday I will have a 24 hour period where I will not see anyone.

I -so- completely need this, because I feel like I'm close to running on empty. I've been so active, and social, and everything....I need a block of time with no one around except maybe the cat. I haven't been overly snippy or snarky (though when Pookie came home today, I was pretty waspish, but I blame the heat for that), but I can feel a meltdown or denegration of my behaviour coming on.

You know what would be fun? An entire week in the middle of the woods with no one for company, just a few books, some food, and maybe a teeny-tiny internet connection.


The Magus

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