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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Before I go.

2002-06-25 - 12:01 p.m.

Back, Melodrama! Back!

Anyway, I apologize for those entries. I didn't go to bed after work yesterday, -or- eat until Pookie came home...which isn't really a smart thing to do, but I was (am) a little keyed up over the next couple of days.

So, tonight I'll arrive in Ottawa around 1am, get some sleep, and then get up bright and early tomorrow.

It's a case of anticipating the worst and hoping for the best...most of the action and trouble (if any) will be in Calgary, and that's a couple provinces away from Ottawa.

It's strange...if there's no violence, I'll be completely pleased, but if there is, I want to be there. I want to be a witness to whatever happens, and maybe I can help out in some way. I myself am completely non-violent, but I can cut an imposing figure as well, what with my large-ish size.

And, aside from a few jitters, I think I'm doing quite well with my people-hating-ness right now. I'm not too too nervous about dealing with strangers, and I'm actually more excited than not.

I hope they give us maps, though, 'cause otherwise I am completely screwed.

And I guess this is my last entry until Friday, which is after my birthday, which is Thursday, so everyone can sign my guestbook wishing me a happy 25. You can do it several times if you want. I won't mind.


The Magus

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