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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Nerves, Part II (cameo appearances of: vodka and my will)

2002-06-24 - 4:01 p.m.

And this is all so completely nervous verbal vomit.

Someone died this week because he was on anti-psychotics and was tear-gassed.

Following is utter fear of mortality:

I am so utterly afraid of my own mortality.

Nothing will happen, but should I be the one in a million to die I want my "self" to be out there somewhere.

Actually, a part of my (unwritten) will: Blind Merv, you get my hand-written journals (the first one's where the juice is, just so's ya know), and one of my fiction "Idea Note Books." Pookie, Phil, my Dad, and Jennifer get the others.

Of course, nothing will happen...and I'll come back in shell shock and then get on with the inconsequentia of my life.

Including some sort of made up reason as to why I always sign off with:


The Magus

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