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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Anger is also a good thing.

2002-06-21 - 2:56 a.m.

I actually have the ability to fight injustice in my workplace.

My mom was, for most of her life, a reporter. She spent two years as an elected politician.

Those are nice resources that she's accumulated.

I'm also an, she is no longer responsible for my financial situation.

Which is good, because I have nothing.

Pookie has student loans, but due to the whole "heterosexual marriages are the only ones that are valid" bias, he's not responsible for my financial situation.

Which is also good, because I have nothing.

Yet, through a unique and neat set of circumstance, I am not completely dependent on my pay cheque.

Scary, eh?

Only if you're worried that your company might suffer from negative know, the truth?


The Magus

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