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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Fuckity Fuckity Fuck Fuck.

2002-06-18 - 6:49 a.m.

Fucky McFuck Fuck!

Just talking with Pookie on the phone, and he's not happy, and I'm not happy and it's because we're fucking strangers to each other right now.

Word of advice: a relationship WILL NOT WORK if you and your partner are living on opposite sides of the clock.

3 hours a day is worse than when he lived up here and I lived in Halifax....because here we have the physical reminder that we're essentially living completely different lives.

We'll talk about this later, we've promised. Later in our world, though, means "days from now."

Okay, I like my job. I think I'm one of those "lucky" few who is meant to live at night. I've always been a late sleeper, always been a night owl, and I have to confess that the 5 hours of unsupervised "me" time are a BIG plus. I don't have to fight the subway crowds, or deal with social anxieties like I would with a job with "normal" hours. Also, this job has great people, and a good medical/dental/eye/insurance program that's good for me and Pookie. I also have little more than a high school education ( 3 years of university is nice, but it's just wasted money without a degree) and not too many marketable skills.

There's little-to-no chance that I'll be able to get a comparible job...and I absolutely suck at job hunting.

But, I'm guessing from Pookie's voice that he can't handle another year of this, and I have to say that I'm not terribly thrilled with it either.

It is not fun to feel stuck, or like I'm going to have to choose between Pookie and work (which I'll choose Pookie, because frankly I love him more than the customers.)

Time for some major brainstorming for the Magus, I guess.


The Magus

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