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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Weepy Drunk

2002-05-25 - 7:24 p.m.

We were watching "Hook", that cheesy Robin Williams, Peter Pan flick, and Pookie started crying. Weeping at the childlikeness in us, for the world itself, missing his abusive dad who died four years ago...

It would have been bad, the cynic in me could have had a field day, except I've been in that weepy, crying-at-beauty-real-or-imagined stage.

So now, we are enjoying our evening in the sun, in the backyard, as opposed to inside our tiny, messy, hole of an apartment.

We've dispensed with the beer and have moved on to the wine.

I -promise- no guestbook signings tonight. I will avoid the computer at all costs. Honest. You can trust me.


The Magus

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