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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Why I don't read by request.

2002-05-22 - 7:59 a.m.

And today I am going to write something, darn it. I might even do a little preparation for sending something out. I need more rejection letters, as I only have 1.

And that was for a novel I wrote in high school, that I am seriously considering reprising, though with actual motivations for the characters instead of having them just romp aimlessly through the cute little world I devised for them. I do hold that book in fairly high esteem, since anyone else who was "writing a novel" in grade ten was actually writing something about their friends at school, cheating on everyone. Or so I assume. It was about that time when I stopped reading other peoples' work when they asked me to. I would only read their stuff clandestinely, or if -I- asked -them-. It's a lot easier to be friendly towards a piece of written work when you aren't obligated.

For me, anyway.

And this cold is taking friggin' forever to actually get here.


The Magus

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