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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Why I was quiet today.

2002-05-12 - 2:39 a.m.

So, as noted in my guestbook (sign it! please?) Marc Hall -did- get to go to the prom. High school will never be the same.

In a related story, I dragged myself out of the house and went to a coworker's pot-luck to say goodbye to one of the staff who is moving on to Bigger and Brighter things. Pookie came along too, which he sorely needed, since the only people he's been able to talk with for the last 6 months have been sexually confused Jesuits, or not sexually confused Jesuits. It's tough to tell the difference, sometimes.

And, I guess I haven't been out much, because everyone seemed really surprised that I wasn't talking. Maybe I run off at the mouth too much at work, but more likely it's my tendancy to be quiet at gatherings.

In cases where I don't know anyone, this silence is usually accompanied by fear and angst and all those feel-good emotions.

But in cases where I do know people and have attained a level of comfort, I like to sit back and watch, to eavesdrop, to listen as people relate with each other. I'll occasionally inject a Bon Mot every now and then, just so people know I'm still awake, but I'm most comfortable sitting back.

Of course, this got me labelled a "social bottom," which, actually, I'm not so sure that applies to me any more. But, though meant not entirely hostilly (hostile-y?), isn't a terribly flattering term.

But over all I had a good time, and everyone claims to like my vegetarian chili.

On the way home, Pookie and I ran into our landlord, who informs us that Construction Zone Warren will stay with us for the whole summer. What's more, my new friend will be migrating to our side of the street, so when the house shakes from them breaking pavement, the crane will be only a few feet away from my head while I try to sleep. I know it's not Construction Zone Warren's fault, but I can't but feel a little resentful. He's like the guest that wouldn't leave.

Also, in a short 5 days, I will have been in Toronto for one full year.


The Magus

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