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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

What I wanted to do with the shirt.

2002-04-30 - 5:33 a.m.

I remember why I still have the work shirt.

I had wanted to burn it.

And what happens if you don't do your taxes on time? Because the workplace that belongs to the shirt hasn't sent me my T4s, and I think I need those for my taxes.

At least I needed them all the other years.

Also, don't tell anyone, but I'm hiding from the bill collectors because I owe a lot of money. If I keep moving every year I can shake them. They still think I'm in Nova Scotia, but I don't feel comfortable giggling about that.

One last thing: I am so very, very tired. I want to go home. Think the bosses would mind?


The Magus

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